Into Eternal Darkness: 100+ Gothic Classics in One Edition (eBook)

Into Eternal Darkness: 100+ Gothic Classics in One Edition (eBook)

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Lingua: en
Traduttore: J. Hogarth C.; F. Hapgood Isabel; Henley Samuel
Editore: DigiCat
Codice EAN: 8596547765363
Anno pubblicazione: 2023
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Into Eternal Darkness: 100+ Gothic Classics in One Edition represents a comprehensive foray into the dark, the macabre, and the supernatural, encapsulating a remarkable diversity of styles and themes from the pens of some of the most venerated names in literary history. This monumental collection traverses the eerie landscape of gothic literature, from its origins in the 18th century to its resplendence in the Victorian era, featuring seminal works that have shaped and challenged the genre. Among its pages, the reader will encounter haunted mansions, forbidden romances, and chilling encounters, each narrative weaving its own unique spell. The anthology stands as a testament to the enduring allure of the gothic, showcasing the range from foundational texts to less recognized gems, ensuring a rich tapestry of terror and beauty. The amalgamation of authors like Edgar Allan Poe, the Brontë sisters, and Oscar Wilde, alongside less mainstream though equally significant contributors, reflects a period of intense creativity and exploration. These writers, hailing from varied backgrounds, collectively contributed to the evolution and expansion of gothic literature, weaving their personal anxieties, societal critiques, and existential contemplations into their works. This era was marked by profound changes in societal structure, scientific discovery, and philosophical thought, all of which find echoes in the pages of this anthology. The diverse origins and life experiences of these authors enrich the collection, offering a multifaceted perspective on the themes of mortality, morality, and the human psyche. Into Eternal Darkness is not merely a collection of stories; it is an invitation to traverse the shadowy paths of gothic imagination alongside some of literature's most profound voices. It caters to both the aficionado and the newcomer, presenting a unique opportunity to immerse in a world where the grotesque and the sublime converge. For those seeking to explore the depths of human fear, obsession, and the supernatural, this anthology offers a gateway into the minds of creators who mastered the art of suspense, horror, and intimate dread. Delving into this collection promises not just literary enrichment but a journey through the capacious realms of the gothic imagination.