Treasure Island (Including the History Behind the Book) (eBook)

Treasure Island (Including the History Behind the Book) (eBook)

Charles Johnson Captain Defoe Daniel Stevenson Robert Louis 
Charles Johnson Captain Defoe Daniel Stevenson Robert Louis 
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: en
Editore: DigiCat
Codice EAN: 8596547760702
Anno pubblicazione: 2023
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In 'Treasure Island (Including the History Behind the Book)', readers are offered a unique literary voyage that extends far beyond the swashbuckling adventure familiar to many. This edition enriches the original narrative with historical essays and analyses, weaving together a tapestry of literary styles that include adventure fiction, historical commentary, and biography. The collection not only revisits Stevenson's iconic work but also places it in a broader literary and historical context, highlighting the significance of maritime adventure tales in shaping the literary landscape of their time. The inclusion of works by Daniel Defoe and Captain Charles Johnson adds depth, offering perspectives that range from the factual to the fictional, and shedding light on the real-life inspirations behind Stevenson's tale. The backgrounds of Stevenson, Defoe, and Johnson encompass a fascinating intersection of experiences and eras, from the golden age of piracy to the nuanced explorations of human nature and society that define their narratives. Each author's contribution reflects a different facet of the allure and danger of the pirate's life, while also speaking to the broader themes of adventure, morality, and the human spirit. This anthology aligns with cultural and literary movements that celebrate not only the historical significance of maritime exploration but also its impact on the literary imagination. 'Treasure Island (Including the History Behind the Book)' is an indispensable addition to the libraries of scholars and enthusiasts alike. It invites readers to delve into the depths of a classic tale, enriched by historical insights and the varied voices of its contributors. This collection is not just an exploration of pirate lore but a multifaceted study in the evolution of adventure literature itself. It offers a rare opportunity to engage with the text in a way that is both scholarly and profoundly engaging, encouraging a deeper appreciation for the enduring impact of Stevenson's work and the historical realities that inspired it.