The Ultimate Collection of Christmas Tales (eBook)

The Ultimate Collection of Christmas Tales (eBook)

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Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: en
Editore: Musaicum Books
Codice EAN: 4064066385590
Anno pubblicazione: 2020
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'The Ultimate Collection of Christmas Tales' embodies a tapestry of narratives that capture the essence of Christmas from myriad cultural and philosophical angles. This anthology showcases a stunning variety of literary styles, from the poignant realism of Chekhov to the enchanting fairy tales of Andersen and the Brothers Grimm. Situating itself within a rich literary context, this collection weaves through the emotional and ideological spectrum of the holiday season, presenting both celebrated and rare gems that illuminate the human condition in festive times. Each story serves as a unique prism, refracting the universal themes of love, redemption, and rebirth associated with Christmas. The authors featured in this anthology, including giants like Tolstoy, Dickens, and Alcott, alongside less widely known but equally significant figures like Selma Lagerlöf and Armando Palacio Valdés, represent a remarkable convergence of historical epochs, cultural backgrounds, and literary movements. These writers, collectively, bring a depth of perspective to the anthology, reflecting the evolution of societal norms around Christmas and the broader human experience. Through their stories, they offer a panoramic view of the shifting moral landscapes and the enduring spirit of the holiday season from different corners of the world. 'The Ultimate Collection of Christmas Tales' is an essential volume for anyone intrigued by the rich intersection of culture, history, and literature. This compilation not only provides entertainment but also invites readers into a deeper contemplation of Christmas as depicted through the ages. Readers are encouraged to explore the diverse narratives encapsulated in this collection, engaging with its broad mosaic of human experiences and sentiments, making it a profound addition to any literary collection, perfect for holiday reading and beyond. Lirriper's Legacy Doctor Marigold's Prescriptions Mugby Junction No Thoroughfare Christmas at Fezziwig's Warehouse Thomas Nelson Page: Santa Claus's Partner A Captured Santa Claus Tommy Trots Visit to Santa Claus How the Captain made Christmas Anthony Trollope: Christmas at Thompson Hall Christmas Day at Kirkby Cottage The Mistletoe Bough Not if I Know It The Two Generals William Dean Howells: Christmas Every Day Turkeys Turning the Tables The Pony Engine and the Pacific Express The Pumpkin Glory…