The Count of Narbonne (eBook)

The Count of Narbonne (eBook)

Jephson Robert Walpole Horace 
Jephson Robert Walpole Horace 
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: en
Editore: Good Press
Codice EAN: 4064066172558
Anno pubblicazione: 2019
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In 'The Count of Narbonne,' a testament to the Gothic romance and the drama of the 18th century, readers are invited into a world where the intrigue of medieval castles, mysterious ancestries, and the battle between virtue and vice reign supreme. This collection, featuring works by Horace Walpole and Robert Jephson, showcases the diversity of Gothic literature, blending the eerie atmospheres of Walpole's novelistic approach with the heightened emotional stakes of Jephson's dramatic interpretations. The anthology highlights the evolution of Gothic sensibilities, navigating through the shadowy corridors of fear, romance, and morality with a literary dexterity that speaks volumes of the period's fascination with the dark and the macabre. The contributing authors, Horace Walpole, credited with penning the first Gothic novel, and Robert Jephson, a dramatist of commendable talent, bring a rich tapestry of backgrounds to the anthology. Walpole's 'The Castle of Otranto' set the stage for Gothic fiction, while Jephson's theatrical adaptations and original plays contributed significantly to the Gothic movement's proliferation across different artistic mediums. Their combined efforts in this collection reflect the turbulent socio-political atmosphere of the 18th century, capturing the zeitgeist through tales of horror and heroism. This anthology is not merely a literary rendezvous but an educational journey into the heart of Gothic literature. It is an invaluable collection for those enchanted by the mysteries of the past, the complexities of human nature, and the aesthetic of the sublime. 'The Count of Narbonne' offers a unique lens through which to explore the multifaceted expressions of fear and love in an era captivated by both. Readers are encouraged to delve into the depths of this collection to experience the thrill of the Gothic, its historical significance, and the conversation it generates between its illustrious contributors.