Modern Romance Collection: July 2017 Books 1 - 4: The Pregnant Kavakos Bride / The Billionaire's Secret Princess / Sicilian's Baby of Shame / The Secret Kept from the Greek (eBook)

Modern Romance Collection: July 2017 Books 1 - 4: The Pregnant Kavakos Bride / The Billionaire's Secret Princess / Sicilian's Baby of Shame / The Secret Kept from the Greek (eBook)

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€ 16,32
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: en
Editore: Mills & Boon
Codice EAN: 9781474070652
Anno pubblicazione: 2017
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Four sizzling stories to delve into… The Pregnant Kavakos Bride by Sharon Kendrick Hired by the Greek billionaire… Shipping magnate Ariston Kavakos expects stunning blonde Keeley Turner to be just like her gold-digging mother. So the only way to keep her away from his brother is to make her a proposition himself: a month’s employment – at his beck and call – on his private island… Her family’s finances in dire straits, Keely reluctantly accepts Ariston’s offer. Soon her resistance to his smouldering good looks, and their sizzling chemistry, weakens! But their spectacular night together has an unforeseen consequence, and Ariston makes one thing clear: he won’t rest until Keeley becomes his bride… The Billionaire's Secret Princess by Caitlin Crews She must obey his command…Desperate to escape her stifling royal life, Princess Valentina swaps places with her newly discovered identical twin. But fooling her billionaire 'boss' Achilles Casilieris, is harder than Valentina imagined…especially when his every look makes her burn with longing! When closed-off Achilles discovers the game Valentina's playing, he's furious. But now the power is in his hands: it's only a matter of time before her stunning facade cracks. He'll push this perfect princess to her very limits…and he's not afraid to use the full force of their attraction! Sicilian's Baby of Shame by Carol Marinelli Seduced… When hotel chambermaid Sophie delivers room service to Sicily's most dark-hearted tycoon, Bastiano Conti, his raw sexuality tempts her to take the ultimate risk – surrendering her untouched body to his! Shamed…Bastiano's ruthlessness is renowned, but even his conscience flickers when Sophie is fired for their indiscretion – the memories of which are branded onto his very soul – and disappears. Pregnant! Bastiano finds Sophie working in a bar – disgraced, destitute and pregnant! Rejected by his own family, Bastiano is determined to claim his child…by seducing defiant Sophie into wearing his ring! The Secret Kept from the Greek by Susan Stephens Damon Gavros: commanding, Greek…and father of her child! When Damon Gavros steps into Lizzie Montgomery's workplace, their searing desire cuts through the heat of the kitchen. Instantly, she's swept back eleven years to the one exquisite night they shared! He may be the reason she once lost everything, but the irresistible connection between them blazes hotter than ever. Only there's one thing Damon doesn't know about Lizzie…yet. Damon is sure Lizzie is hiding something, and he's determined to discover what. From London to Greece, his pursuit is relentless, until he finds out Lizzie's secret has a name…Thea – and she's his daughter!